Our club runs with the help of these wonderful volunteers. A viable club relies on a dedicated Board of Directors in order to be successful. Even more important, is a strong membership to ensure there is a pool of future volunteers to help spread the work around and become future board members or members of the trail committees. Without the large number of members, the club could not afford to do the work it does and the benefits it offers.
Enjoy the trail…..
Belair ATV Club Inc. Board Of Directors:
President | Bill Marsh |
Past President | Hartley Pokrant |
Vice President | Dean Jones |
Treasurer | Walter Dobson |
Admin & Membership | Adina Marsh |
Website & IT | Dean Jones |
Volunteer Coordinator | Vacant |
Trail Director 1 | Glen Ell |
Trails Director 2 | Vacant |
Rides & Events Director | Vacant |
We could use your help!
There is a lot more to running a successful ATV club that many people don’t know about. It is all about ATV/UTV riders helping fellow ATV/UTV riders. We make a point of valuing every contribution, big or small. We can find a place for you in our club; a place that will match your time availability. If you are not sure you feel confident about how to do some of the tasks, not to worry, learning new things first hand is half the fun and we will train all our volunteers. We are especially interested in filling the vacancies on our Board of Directors. If you would enjoy meeting new friends and feeling the satisfaction of helping out, please consider joining our volunteer team! Please contact us by e-mail or talk to one of our Board Directors if you would like to help out.